Nonito Donaire,
Nonito Donaire fights,
Nonito Donaire videos

In early January, I put together a list of my top ten pound for pound fighters in the world. Nonito Donaire made my list at number 6, afterword many questioned me for placing him so high. After Donaire demolished Fernando Montiel last night, It is I that am now questioning myself. I am questioning myself now as to why didn’t I place him higher on my list. The kid is incredible and last night after smashing Montiel in 2 rounds, Donaire has gone from being a name to Superstar status. This is how you better the sport and put asses in seats, you demolish any obstacle in your path. Nonito Donaire did just that.
This is what I wrote about Donaire when I placed him on my list. #6- Nonito Donaire- Donaire’s footwork is a thing of beauty. His hand speed is also amazing to see. Donaire will clip you with a left then right check hook you to sleep with a booming shot…Well it was actually the left hook that spelled doom for Montiel, and Montiel didn’t exactly go to sleep since he did miraculously make it to his feet only to get stopped a few seconds later..but well you get the picture. It just kills me that many out there do not get the picture unless the light is flashing. I hope many out there now see and begin to appreciate Nonito for what he truly is..a Superstar!
So why does Donaire not get placed on Manny Pacquiao fight cards? I mean, it’s a fair question that must be asked but the answer usually swims away only to return in a form of a question. Maybe one day we will get an answer.
When I first met Nonito a few years back, I took a very close look at his build and thought to myself that this kid is going to be a champion in at least 4 or 5 different weight classes. From that observation, My thoughts today have not changed. When it’s all said and done, Nonito Donaire will be champion at 118, 122, 126, 130, and 135. With Manny Pacquiao’s recent amazing run as he captures titles division after division, you will hear now and continue hearing comparisons to the Pac-Man. Well you will not be hearing that from me, Nonito is just out there pushing himself to be the best that he can be because Nonito is smart enough to know that there can only be one Manny Pacquiao. And that my friends is the best answer that I could give as to why Nonito Donaire has not been placed under any Manny Pacquiao undercards.
It’s possible that to the big wigs calling the shots, that Donaire needs a big stage to himself.. his very own space.. his own spotlight. What do you know, Maybe it is I that can not appreciate and see Nonito Donaire for the Superstar that he truly is.
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